Class Fees
New Students | Class Styles | Schedule | Fees
Join the ‘OG La Jolla Yoga’ Community since 2001!
Become a member today and get 50% off your First Month!
$140 Monthly Autopay Membership
$130 discounted rate - full-time students/seniors 65+/ school teachers with ID *sign up in-studio
Get the best deal & per class rate with the MONTHLY UNLIMITED MEMBERSHIP when you practice 2+ times/week:
+ 1 guest pass per month
+ free mat rental
+ 15% discount on events
Note: 3 months minimum membership, can cancel with 2 weeks written notice after 3rd month
New Student Specials
First Week $39 - Local residents only (w/ San Diego ID)
buy now -
Tourist Pass - 1 Week Unlimited $80
- Discounted rates are only for sale in-studio with valid ID - for full-time students, seniors (over 65), first responders, school teachers and military.
- Class packages are valid for 6 months and can be extended 1x, upon written request only (not to exceed 12 months)
- No transfers or refunds, all sales are final - applicable to classes, workshops, special events & teacher training.
- We accept cash, checks, venmo & major credit cards
- All classes and fees are subject to change or cancellation without prior notice.